Vol. I.
Wittgenstein on Logic, April 1914.
G.E. Moore

⌊⌊ Moore good “Moore” ◇◇◇ ⌋⌋
  Logical so called props. shew logical properties of language & therefore of Universe, but say nothing.
is shewn by fact
that by merely looking at them you can see these properties; whereas, in a proposition proper, you cannot see what
is true
it says
by looking at it.
  It is impossible to say what these properties are, because in order to do so, you would need a language, which hadn't got the properties . in question, & it is impossible that this should need a be a proper language. Imposs. to construct illogical language.
  In order that you should have a language which can express or say everything that can be said, this language must have certain properties; & when this is the case that it has them can no longer be said in that language or any language.
  An illogical language would be one in which e.g. you could put an event into a hole.
  Thus a language which can express everything mirrors certain properties of the world by those properties wh. it must have; & logical so called props. shew in a systematic way those properties. In Ordinary logic
  How, usually, logical props. do shew these properties is this. We give a certain description of a kind of symbol; we find that other
symbols, combined in certain ways,
a symbol of this description; & that they do shews something about these symbols.
  As a rule the description given in ordinary Logic is the description of a tautology; but others might shew equally well, e.g.: a contradiction.

  Everyc prop. real prop. shews something, besides what it says, about the Universe: for, if it has no sense, it can't be used; &, if it has a sense, it mirrors some ˇlogical property of the Universe.
  E.g. take φa, φa ⊃ ψa, ψa. By merely looking at these 3, I can see that 3 follows from 1 & 2: i.e. I can see what's called the truth of a logical prop., namely of prop. (φa . φa ⊃ ψa : ⊃ : ψa) But this is not a prop.; but by seeng seeing that it is a tautology I can see what I already saw by looking at the 3 props.: the difference is that I now see that it is a tautology.
  We want to say, in order to understand above, what properties a symbol must have, in order to be a tautology:–
Many ways ˇof saying this are possible:
(1) One way is to say: Given certain symbols, give certain symbols; then to give a set of rules for combining them; & then to say any symbol ˇformed from those symbols, by combining them according to one of the given rules, is a tautology.
This obviously says something about the kind of symbol you can get in this way.
  This is the actual procedure of old Logic: It gives so called primitive propositions; so called rules of deduction; & then says that what you got by applying the rules to the props. is a logical prop. that you have proved. The truth is it tells you something about the kind of prop. you have got, viz that it can be derived from the first symbols by these rules of combination = ? is a tautology.
  :. if we say one logical prop. follows logically from another, this means something quite different from saying that a real prop. follows logically from another. For so called proof of a logical prop. does not prove its truth (logical props. are neither true nor false) but proves that it is a logical prop. = is a tautology.
  Logical props. are forms of proofs: they shew that one ˇor more props. follow from one (or more).

  Logical props. shew something, because the language in wh. they are expressed can say everything that can be said.

  This same distinction between what can be shewn by the language but not said, explains the difficulty that is
felt about types – e.g. ˇas to difference between between things, facts, properties, relations. That
so & so
is a thing can't be said: it is nonsense: but something is shewn by the symbol M. In same way that a prop. is a subject-predicate prop. can't be said: but it is shewn by the symbol.
  :. a theory of types is impossible. It tries to say something about the types, when you can only talk about the symbols. But what you say about the symbols is not that this symbol has that type, which would be nonsense for same reason: but you say simply This is symb the symbol, to prevent a misunderstanding. E.g. In „aARbB’, R is not a symbol, but that R is between one name & another symbolises. Here we have not said this symbol is not of this type but of that, but only: This is the symbol & symbolises & not that. This seems again to make same mistake, because ‘symbolises’ is ‘typically ambiguous’. The true analysis is: R is no proper name, &, that R stands between a & b ,(expresses a relation). Here are 2 props. of different type, connected by ‘and’
  It is obvious that, e.g. with a subject-predicate prop., if it has any sen sense at all, you see the form, as soon as you understand the prop., in spite of not knowing whether it is true or false. Even if there were props. of form ‘M is a thing’
they would be superfluous (tautologous) bec. what this tries to say is something wh. is already seen when you see M.
  In the above expression ‘aRb’, we were talking only of this particular R, whereas what we want to do to is to talk of all similar symbols. We have to say: inc any symbol of this form R ˇwhat corresponds to R is not a proper name, & fact that … expresses a relation. This is what is sought to be expressed by ˇthe nonsensical assertion: [s|S]ymbols like this are of a certain type. This you can't say, bec. in order to say it you must first know what the symbol is: & in knowing this you see the types, & therefore also types of symbolised. I.e. in knowing what symbolises, you know all that is to be known; you can't say anything about the symbol.
  For instance: Consider the 2 props. (1) “What symbolises here is a thing”, (2) “What symbolises here is a ˇrelational fact (or relation = relation)”. These are nonsensical for 2 reasons: (a) bec. they mention ‘thing’ & ‘relation’ (b) bec. they mention them in props. of same form. But The 2 props. must be expressed in entirely different forms, if properly analysed; & neither the word ‘thing’ nor ‘relation’ must occur.
  Now we shall see how properly to analyse props. in wh. ‘thing’ ‘relation’, etc. occur.
(1) analysed = &(∃x). x symbolises.
N.B. here ‘thing’ doesn't occur
„x” is the Name of y

  N.B. “x” can't be the name of this actual scratch x y; because this isn't a thing: but it can be the name of a thing; & we must understand that what we are doing is to explain what would be meant by saying of an ideal symbol, wh. did actually consist in one thing's being to left of another, that in it a thing symbolised.

and instead of ‘thing’, what occurs is the form of a name
  (1) Take φx. We want to explain the meaning of in “In “φx” there a thing symbolises.” The analysis is:–
(∃ y) . y symbolises . [x| y] = “x” .“φx”. [“x” is the name of xy: “φx” says that = ‘“φ” is at left of “x”’, & says φx.] ¥


  [N.B. In expression (∃y). φy, one is apt to say this means ‘There is a thing such that …’. But in fact, we should say ‘There is a y, such that … ’; the forms of the y being what expressing fact that the y symbolises, expressing what we mean.]

  In general: When such propositions are analysed, while the words ‘thing’, ‘fact’ etc. will disappear, there will appear instead of them a new symbol,
of the same form as the one of which we are speaking
which is a thing, or fact, respectively
; & hence it will be at once obvious that we cannot get the one ˇkind of prop. from the other by substitution.
  In our language names are not things: we don't know what they are: all we know is that they are of a different type from relations etc. etc. … The type of a symbol of
a relation is partly fixed by type of symbol of thing, since a symbol of latter type must occur in it.

  p. 1, N.B. In any ordinary proposition, e.g. “Moore good”, this shews & does not say that “Moore” is to left of “good”; & here what is shewn can be said by another prop.. But this only applies to that part of what is shewn which is arbitrary. The logical properties which it shews, are not arbitrary, & that it has these cannot be said in any proposition.

When we say of a prop. of form aRb that what symbolises is that ‘a’ “R” is between “a” & “b”, it must be remembered that in fact the prop. is capable of further analysis because a, R, & b are not simples. But what seems certain is that when we have analysed , it, we shall in the end come to props. of the same form in respect of the fact that they do consist in one thing being between 2 others.
  How can we talk of the general form of a proposition, without knowing any simples or any unanalysable props. ˇin which particular names & relations occur? What justifies us in doing this is that though we don't know any unanalysable props. ˇof this kind yet we can understand ˇwhat is meant by a prop. of the form (∃x,y,R). xRy ˇ(which is unanalysable), even though we know
no props. of the form xRy.
  If you had any unanalysable prop. in which particular names & relations occurred (and unanalysable prop. = one in which the only fundamental symbols = ones not capable of definition, occur) then you always can form from it a prop. of form (∃x,y,R). xRy, which though it contains no particular names & relations, is unanalysable.

  (2) The point can here be brought out as follows.
  Take φa, & φA: , where & ask what is meant by saying “There is a thing in φa, & a complex in φA”?
  (1) means: (∃x). φx . x = a

  (2) means φ [aRb] = ψa . ψb . aRb Def.

x A = aRb Def.

  We then get (∃x,y,(ξRη) . φx . φy . xRy

(∃x,ψξ). φA = ψx . φx

  Use of logical props.. You may have one so complicated that you cannot, by looking at it, see that it is a tautology; but you have shewn that it can be derived by certain operations from
certain other props. wh. according to our rule for constructing tautologies
props. of wh. this is obvious
; & hence you are enabled to see that one thing follows from another, when you would not have been able to see it otherwise. E.g. if our tautology is of form p ⊃ q, you can see that q follows from p; & so on.

  The Bedeutung of a prop. is the fact that corresponds to it, e.g. aRb, if our prop. be aRb, if it's true, the corresponding fact would be the fact aRb, if false, the fact ~aRb. But both “the fact aRb” & “the fact ~aRb” are incomplete symbols, which must be analysed.
  That a prop. has a relation (in wide sense) to Reality, other than that of Bedeutung, is shewn by the fact that you can understand it when you don't know the Bedeutung, i.e. don't know whether it's true or false. Let us express this by saying “It has sense” (Sinn).
  In analysing Bedeutung, you come upon Sinn, as follows:–
We want, to explain the relation of props. to reality.
  The relation is as follows: It's simples have meaning = are names of simples; & it's relations have a quite different relation to relations; such that, if all the fact that these things are true & these 2 facts already establishes a sort of correspondence between a prop. wh. contains th[em|ese] & reality. & only these & reality: i.e. if all the simples of a prop. are known, we already k already know that Reality “behaves” in a certain way towards these. we can describe reality by saying that it behaves in a certain way to the whole proposition. All that remains to be done is to state in what way reality must behave to the prop., if the prop. is to be called ‘true’.         [This amounts to saying that we can compare reality
with the prop.. In the case of 2 lines we can compare them in respect of their length without any convention & the comparison is automatic. But in our case the possibility of comparison depends upon the conventions by which we have given meanings to our simples (names & relations).]
  It only remains to fix the method of comparison, by saying what
that is true of
our simples is to mean say what about reality. E.g. suppose we take 2 lines of unequal length; & say that the fact that the shorter is of the length it is is to mean that that the longer is of the length it is: we should then have established a convention ˇas to the meaning of the shorter of the sort we are now to give it
  From this it results that ‘true’ & ‘false’ are not accidental properties of a prop., such that, when it has meaning, we can say it is also true or false: on the contrary to have meaning means to be true or false; i.e. that reality is true or false to it. bei the being true or false actually constitutes the relation of the prop. to reality, wh. we mean by saying that it has meaning. (Sinn)

  There seems at first sight to be a certain ambiguity in what is meant by saying that a prop. is ‘true’, owing to the fact that it seems as if in the case of different props. the way in wh. they correspond to the facts which co to wh. they correspond is quite different. But what is really common to all cases is that they must have the general form of a proposition. In giving the general form of a prop. you are explaining what kind of way of putting together the symbols of things & relations will correspond to (be analogous to) the things having those relations in reality. In doing this you are saying what is meant by saying that a prop. is true; & you must do it once for all. To say a prop. f “This prop. has sense” means “This prop. is true” means … ” (“p” is true = “p” . p . Def. ): only instead of “p”, we must have introduce the general form of a prop..)


Vol. II.
W. on L., April 1914.
G.E. Moore

﹖ G.E.M. (used in Tractatus, p. 158–9, but with W–F instead of a–b)
It seems at first sight as if the a–b notation must be wrong, because it seems to treat true & false as on exactly the same level. The symbolism must its S Some more fact about the symbo It must be possible to see from the symbols themselves that there is some ˇessential difference between the poles, if the notation is to be right; & it seems as if in fact this was impossible.
in fact it is ob possible is ˇbecause by by giving the symbol for a tautology which we at once shews a difference an asymmetry between the poles. The notion true & false, wh. seems to disappear, re-appears here in the notion ‘tautological’.

The interpretation of a symbolism must not depend upon giving a different interpretation to symbols of the same types.
  How asymmetry is introduced is by giving a description of a particular form of symbol which we call a ‘tautology’, & thus, the fact that this The description of the a–b symbol alone is symmetrical with respect to a & b; but this description & the ˇfact that what satisfies the description of
tautology ˇis a tautology is asymmetrical with regard to them. (To say that a description was symmetrical with regard to 2 symbols, would mean that
could substitute one for the other, & yet the description remain the same,) i.e. mean the same.)

Take p.q & q. When you write p.q in the a–b notation, it is impossible to see from the symbol alone that q follows from it; for if you were to
the true-pole for as the false, the same symbol would stand for p ⌵ q, from wh. q doesn't follow. But the moment you say wh. symbols are tautologies, it at once becomes possible to see from th[is|e] fact, ˇthat they are & the ˇoriginal symbol that q does follow.

  Logical props., of course, all shew something different: all of them shew, in the same way viz. by the fact that they are tautologies, but they are different tautologies & therefore shew each something different.

  What is unarbitrary about our symbols, is not them, nor the rules we give; but the fact that, having given certain rules, others are fixed = follow logically.
Thus, though it would be possible to interpret the form which we take as the form of a tautology as that of a contradiction & vice vers, it would be impossib they are different in ˇlogical form, ˇbecause though the apparent form of the symbols is the same, what symbolises in them is different. & hence what follows about the symbols from the one interpretation will be different from what follows
from the other. But the difference between a & b is not one of logical form, so that we might, so far as the symbols nothing will follow from this difference alone as to the interpretation of other symbols. Thus, e.g. p.q, p ⌵ q are seem symbols of exactly the same logical form in the a–b notation,. Yet they say something entirely different; &, if you ask why, the answer seems to be: In the one case the scratch at the top has the form shape b, in the other the form shape a. Whereas the description of a contradiction & a tautology, being of different logical forms, make the interpretation of a tautology as a tautology is an interpretation of a logical form, not the giving of a meaning to a scratch of a particular fact shape. The important thing is that the meaning interpretation of the ˇform of the symbolism must be fixed by giving an interpretation to its logical properties, not by giving interpretations to particular scratches.


  The point of this illustration is that the process of reasonings by wh. we discover that p ≡ ~(~p) is a tautology, is exactly the same by which we reason “if a–true implies b–false, etc..” The The point is: that the process of reasoning by wh. we
arrive at
get at
the result that a – b – a – p ˇ is the same symbol as a – p, is exactly the same as that by which we discover , as regards its meaning that its meaning is the same, viz. where we reason if b – apb – a then not apb, if a – b – ap then not b – apb, :. if a – b – ap. then apb.
  Logical constants can't be made into variables: because in them what symbolises is not the same; ◇◇◇ ˇall symbols ◇◇◇ for wh. a variable can be substituted symbolises in the same way.
  We describe a symbol, & say This is a ˇarbitrarily ‘A symbol of this description is a tautology’. And then, it follows at once, both that any other symbol wh. answers to the same description is a tautology; & that any symbol which does not isn't. That is, we have arbitrarily fixed that that ˇany symbol of that description is to
a tautology; & this being fixed it is no longer arbitrary with regard to all otherany other symbols whether they are it is a tautolog[ies|y] or not. We can get a contradiction of the same logical form as
tautology; but it won't answer our description.

  Having thus fixed what is a tautology & what is not, we can then, having fixed arbitrarily again that if the relation the relation a – b is transitive ◇◇◇ get from the 2 facts together that e.g. ‘p ~(~p)’ ˇis a taut.. For ~(~p) = a – b – apb – a – b. It follows from the fact that a – b is transitive, that where we have a – b – a, the first a has to the second the same relation that it has to b. It is just as from the fact that a–true implies b–false, & b–false implies ctrue, we get that a–true implies c–true. And we shall be able to see, having fixed the meaning description of a tautology that, p ≡ ~(~p) is a tautology.

  That, when a
rule is given, a symbol is tautological shews a logical truth.
  This symbol might be interpreted either as a tautology or as a contradiction.
  But now it is obvious that the a
  In settling that it is to be interpreted as a tautology & not as a contradiction, I am not assigning a meaning to a & b; i.e. saying that they symbolise different things but in the same way. What I am doing is to to say that the method way in wh. the a–pole is connected with the whole system symbol symbolises in a different way from that in which it would symbolise if the symbol were interpreted as a contradiction. And I add the scratches a & b merely in order to shew in which way the connection is symbolising, so that it may be evident that wherever the same scratch occurs in the corresponding place in another
symbol, there also the connection is symbolising in the same way.
  We could, of course, symbolise
any a – b function
a tautology
without using 2 outside poles at all, merely, e.g., omitting the b–pole; & here what would symbolise would be that the ˇ3 pairs of inside poles of the props. were connected ˇin a certain way with the a–pole, while the other pair was not connected with it. And thus the difference between the scratches a & b, where we do use them, merely shews that it is a different state of things that is symbolising in the one case & the other: in the one case that certain inside poles are
Th connected in a certain way with an outside pole, in the other that they're not.
  The symbol for a tautology, whatever we take to in whatever form we find put it, e.g. whether by omitting the a–pole or by omitting the ub, would always be capable of being used as the symbol for a contradiction; only not in the same language.

  The reason why ~x is meaningless, is simply that we have given no meaning to the symbol ~ξ. I.e. whereas φx & ~p look as if they were of the same type, they are not so because in order to give a meaning to ~x you would have to have some property φξ ~ξ. What symbolises in φξ is that φ stands to left of a proper name: & obviously this is not so in ~p. All What is common to all props. in which the name of a property (to speak loosely) occurs is that this name stands to the left of a name-form.
  The reason why e.g. it seems as if ~x or ‘Plato Socrates’ might have a meaning, while ‘Abracadabra Socrates’ would never be suspected to have one, is because we know that Plato has one, & do not observe that in order that the whole phrase should have one, what is necessary is not that Plato should have one, but that the fact that Plato is to left of a name should.
  The reason why ‘thThe property of not being green is not green’ is nonsense, is because we have given no meaning to only given meaning to the fact that green stands to the right of a name; & ‘the property of not being green’ is obviously not that.
  φ cannot possibly stand to the left ˇof (or in any other relation ˇto)
≡ the su symbol of a property. For the symbol of a property e.g. ψx is that ψ stands to left of a name form, & another symbol φ cannot possibly stand to the left of such a fact: if it could, we should have an illogical language, wh. is imposs..

   p is false = ~(p is true) Def.

  It is very important that the apparent logical relations ⌵ , ⊃ etc. need brak brackets, dots etc., i.e. have “ranges”; which by itself shews they are not relations. It This fact has been overlooked, because it is so universal – the very thing wh. makes it so important.

  There are internal relations between one prop. & another; but a prop. cannot have to another the internal relation wh. a name has to the prop. it o of wh. it is a constituent, & wh. ought to be meant by saying it ‘occurs’ in it. In this sense one prop. can't ‘occur’ in another.
  Internal relations are relations between types, wh. can't be expressed in props., but are all shewn in the symbols themselves, & can be exhibited systematically in tautologies. Why we come to call them relations is because logical props. have
an analogous
the same
relation to them, ˇto that which have real properly relational props. have to relations.
  Props. can have many different internal relations to one another. The one wh. entitles us to deduce the one from another, is that if put in expressed in say, they are φa & , φa ⊃ ψa, then φa . φa ⊃ ψa : ⊃ : ψa is a tautology.
  Ide The symbol of identity expresses the internal relation between a function & its argument: i.e. φa = (∃x)φx.x = a.

  The prop. (∃x)φx . x = a : ≡ : φa can be seen to be a tautology, if one expresses the conditions of the truth of (∃x).φx . x = a, successively, e.g. by saying: This is true if so & so; that & this again is true, if so & so. ˇetc. for (∃x).φx . x = a; and then also for φy. To express the matter in this way is itself a cumbrous notation,
of wh.
wh. is what is expressed more neatly b
the a–b notation is a neater translation.

  What symbolises in a symbol, is that which is common to all the symbols wh. could in accordance with the rules of logic = syntactical rules for manipulation of symbols, be substituted for it.

  The question whether a prop. has
can never depend on the truth of another prop. about a constituent of the first. E.g. the question whether (x). x = x has
can't depend on the question whether (∃x). x = x is true. It doesn't describe reality at all, & deals therefore solely with symbols; n it says that they must symbolise, but not what they symbolise.

  It's obvious that the dots & brackets are symbols, & obvious also that they haven't any independent meaning. You must therefore, in order to introduce so called “logical constants” properly, introduce the general notion of all possible combinations of them

–t = the general form of a prop. You thus introduce both a–b functions, identity & universality (the 3 fundamental constants) simultaneously.

The variable-prop. p ⊃ tildap is. is not identical with the variable-prop. ~(p . ~p). The corresponding universals would be identical. But the one variable prop. says that out of e.g. p ⊃ q you get a tautology by substituting the variable prop. ~(p . ~p) says shews that out of ~(p . q) you get a tautology by substituting ~p for q, whereas the other does not say shew this.

  It's very important to realise that when you have 2 different relations (a,b)R (c,d)S this does not establish a correlation between a & c, & b & d, or a & d, [or|&] b & c: there is no correlation whatsoever thus established. Of course, in the case of 2 pairs of terms united by same relation, there is a correlation. This shews that the theory which held that a relational fact contained the terms & relations united by a copula2) is untrue; for if this were so there would be a
correspondence between the terms of different relations.

  The question arises how can one prop. (or function) stand occur is in another prop.? The This can only be by its The prop. or function itself can't possibly stand in relation to the other symbols. It must therefore be that we For this reason we must introduce functions as well as
at once in our general form of a prop.; explaining what is meant[.|,] by assigning meaning to the fact that the names stand between the |, & that the function stands on the left of the names.

  It is true, in a sense, that logical props. are ‘postulates’– something which we ‘demand’; for we do demand a satisfactory notation.

  A tautology (not a logical prop.) is not nonsense in the same sense in wh. e.g. a prop. in wh. words which have no meaning occur is nonsense. What happens in it is that all its simple parts have meaning, but it is such that the connections between these paralyse ˇor destroy one another, so that they are all connected only in an irrelevant manner. ( = one such as to have no sense?)


Vol. III.
W. on L., April 1914.
G.E. Moore

  Logical functions all presuppose one another. Just as we can see ~p has no sense, if p has none; so we can also say p has none, if ~p has none. The case is quite different with φa, & a: since here a has a meaning independently of φa, though φa presupposes it.

  The logical constants seem to be complex-symbols, but on the other hand, they can be interchanged with one another. They are not therefore really complex; what symbolises is simply the way in which general way in which they are combined.

  The combination of symbols in a tautology cannot possibly correspond to any one particular combination of their meanings – it corresponds to every possible combination; & therefore what symbolises can't be the connection of the symbols.

  From the fact that I see that one spot is to left of another, or that one colour is darker
another it ˇseems to follows that it is so; & ˇif so this can only be if there is an internal relation between the two; & we might express this by saying that the form of the latter is part of the form of the former. We might thus give a sense to the assertion that logical laws are forms of thought
& space & time forms of intuition.

  Different logical types can have nothing whatever in common. But the same fact that we can talk of the possibility of a relation of n places, or of an analogy between one with 2-places & one with 4, shews that th relations with different numbers of places have something in common, that therefore the difference is not one of type but like the difference between different names – something wh. depends on experience. This answers the question how we can know that the we have really got the most general form of a prop.. We have only to introduce what is common to all relations of whatever number of places.

  The relation of ‘I believe p’ to ‘p’ can be compared to the relation of ‘“p”
p’ to p: it is just as impossible that I should be a simple as that “p” should be.