Common idea: a word has meaning by referring to something. There is a connection between a word & an object. What sort of connection?
Is it something like this: the word reminds us of the object? What happens when a thing reminds me of something? Seeing M reminds me of his father. Let's say roughly seeing M || so & so produces in me thoughts about Ms father || his father & || or images of Ms father. (Remark) The sentence I imagine M is || so & so is not a description of a picture before my mind's eye. Ask yourself do you recognise M's father || him from the picture before your mind's eye? Would you say: I see a man with white hair etc.
I suppose I'm imagining M.? but perhaps it's only someone who looks very much like him. There is (however) a use we make of pictures which resembles much more that which we make of the product of our imagination: E.g. we describe the position of objects in a street accident & say while drawing, || : this (line) is … street this (square) is the overturned car this (cross) the policeman at the corner etc. Here too we are using sentences of the same form as those which would describe
a picture || what we believe a picture represents whereas their use is to give a picture an interpretation. – It is useful here to imagine that a man imagines by means of drawing or painting, sketching or even by producing a cartoon film. If you said that in order to draw he must already have a mental picture which he copies, the answer is, that the mode of projection used to copy his mental picture is not determined & the latter therefore may || might be anything, so that in fact
all that gives us a right to speak about a mental picture is the fact that we are under certain circumstances inclined to call a (non-mental) picture a representation of it || a mental one.