One can easily imagine a language also || also imagine a language in which B, in reply to a question by A, informs him of || has to report to him the number of slabs or cubes
¤ || stacked up in some place; or the colours and forms || or shapes of the || certain building-stones that lie in one place and another. || building-blocks.
     The purport of such a report might then be: “five slabs.”. ¤ || Such a report might then say || be of the form: “five slabs.”. Now what is the difference between the report, or assertion, “five slabs.”, and the command “five slabs!”? – Well, || It is the role which the utterance of || saying these words plays in the || our language game || games. But the tone of voice in which they are uttered will probably || probably the tone of voice in which they are uttered will be different as well || too, and the facial expression and various other things. But we can also imagine || it may well be that the tone of voice is the same in both cases – for a command and a report can || may be uttered in various || a lot of different tones of voice and with various || a lot of different facial expressions – and that the difference lies in the application alone || may lie only in what is done with the words “five slabs”. – (Of course we might also use the words “assertion” and “command” just to indicate a grammatical combination || form of a sentence or || and a word || particular intonation, just as one calls || would call the sentence, “Isn't it glorious weather today?”, a question, even though || although it is used like || as an assertion.) We could imagine a language in which all assertions had the form and the intonation of a rhetorical question; or every command || in which every command had the form: “Would you like to do that || ?”. One would then || might perhaps say in this case: “What he says has the form of a question but it is really a command”, i.e. has the function of a command in the practical employment of language. || . (Similarly one says “you will do that || so & so” not as a prophecy but as a command. What makes || would make it the oneand || , what the other?)