Frege's view that in an assertion there is contained || an assertion contains a supposal || an Annahme, and that it is this that || which is asserted, is based really || really based on the possibility that there is in our language of writing every
¤ assertion sentence in the form: “It is asserted that so and so is the case”. But “that so and so is the case” is not a sentence in our language it || this is not yet a move in our language game. And if I write instead of “It is asserted that …”, || instead of “It is asserted that …”, I write “It is asserted: so and so is the case”, then in this case the words “It is asserted” are quite superfluous.
     We might very well write every assertion in the form of a question followed by an affirmative reply; thus instead of “It's || It is raining”, “Is it raining? Yes.”. Would that show that in every assertion there is || every assertion contained a question?