“What is the relation between names and
the named
what they name
?” [)|] Well, what is it? Look at ˇthe our lang[au|ua]ge game ([3|4]), or ˇat some otherˇ language game; you can that's where you'll see there what this relation consists in. This this relation may, [a|A]mong various other things, consist also in the fact that hearing the name calls up an image of the thing named in our minds,, and it ˇsometimes consists among other things also in the fact that the name is written on the thing named, or that
the name
is it uttered when the thing named is pointed t[l|o].
      But what does is the word “this” ˇa name ˇof in ˇthe language game (9), or
or the word “that” in the ostensive explanation “th[at|is] is called …”? Well, if you don't want to
give rise to
ˇproduce confusion it is best not to say that these words name anything. And, curiously enough, it was once said of the word “this” that it is the real name. Ever[e|y]thing else that we call “name” is so ˇbeing a name only in an inexact, appro[c|x]imate sense.
      This curious view has its origin in a tendency to sublimate – as we might call it – the logic of our language. The proper answer to it is: [W|w]e call widely different things “names”; the word “name” character[s|i]ses many different sort[f|s]s kinds of uses of a word[,|s], related to one another each in many different ways; – but among these kinds of uses is not that of the word “this”.
       It is true that we often,
for instance
in ˇgiving an ostensi[c|v]e defi[t|n]i[o|t]ion, point to
thing named and in doing so pronounce
name. And similarly we pronounce

for instance
in an ostensive definition

the word “this” as we in pointing to
thing. And the word “this” and a name ˇcan often
stand in the same context
have the same syntax
: we say “Fetch this”, and also “Fetch Paul”. But it is precisely one of the characteristic features of a name that
its meaning
is explained by t[e|h]e demonstrative “Th[at|is] is N” (or “Th[at|is] is called N). But do we also explain, “Th[at|is] is called ‘this’”[,|?] or perhaps even “This is called ‘this’”?