Let us apply the method of chapter || (4) to the account in the Theaetetus: Let || let us consider a language game for which this account really holds. || is the correct account. The language then serves || Let the language serve to describe combinations of
¤ coloured spots || patches on a surface. The spots || patches are squares and make || form a complex like a chess board. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are (correspondingly): “r”, “g”, “w”, “b”, and a sentence is a string || row of these words. They describe an arrangement of coloured squares in the order
1 2
3 4
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The sentence “ r r b g g g r w w” describes then, for instance, an arrangement of this sort:
r r b
g g g
r w w
Here the sentence is a complex of names, to which a complex of elements corresponds. The primary elements are the coloured squares: “but are these simple?” – I can't think of anything that it would be more natural to || don't know what I could more naturally call “simple” || the “simple elements”, in this language game. In other circumstances, however, I should || would call a coloured square “complex, composed, say, of two rectangles, or of the elements colour and shape. But the concept of complexity || ‘complex’ might also be extended so || in such a way that the smaller surface is said to be “composed” of a larger surface and one subtracted from it. Compare the || the “composition” || ‘composition’ of forces, the “division” || ‘division’ of a line by a point outside it; these expressions show that in || under certain circumstances we are inclined to take || regard the smaller thing as a || the result of the “composition” || ‘composition’ of || combining what is larger and the larger || larger things, and the larger thing as the result of the || a division of what is smaller. || a smaller thing.
     But I don't know whether I should say that the figure which our sentence describes consists of four elements or of nine. Well, does
¤ that sentence consist of four letters or of nine? – And what are its elements: the letter types or the letters? And isn't it quite indifferent || all the same which we say, if only we avoid misunderstandings in the particular case? || in the particular case we avoid misunderstandings?