Consider || Let us consider for a moment the processes that we call “games”, for instance. || , e.g., the processes we call “games”. I mean games played on a board || board-games, card games, ball games, contests in the ring || prize fighting || athletic contests, etc.. What is in common to all these? Don't say, || : “there must be something in common to them all, otherwise || or they would not || wouldn't be called ‘games’”; || but look and see whether something is in common to all of them || them all. Because || For if you look at them, though you will not || won't see something || anything that's common to all of them, but you will see similarities, connections, – a long string || whole lot of them. As I say || said: don't think, but look. Look for instance || e.g. at the games played on a board || board games, with || and their various connections || the various connections between them. Now pass to card games; here you will find many points of correspondence || analogy similarity to the first class || between this and the first class, || ; but many characteristic || common features disappear, and new ones appear. If you now pass to ball games, much that is || there was in common remains, but a lot || great deal is lost. – Are they all amusing || amusing || ‘entertaining’? Compare chess with Noughts & Crosses. Or is there in every case || always such a thing as winning and losing or
rivalry || a competition between the players? Think of the games of patience. || patiences. In ball games there is winning and losing, but if || when a child throws the ball against the wall and catches || is throwing || bouncing a ball against a wall and catching it, again this feature has disappeared || there is no winning and losing. See what part || Look at the part which skill and luck play. And what a difference there is between skill ¤in a game of¤ chess and skill in (a game of) tennis. Think now || Now think of round || singing & dancing games: here there is || we have the element of amusement || entertainment, but how many of the other characteristic features have disappeared! And so || in this way we may go through the many, many other groups of games. Watching || – seeing similarities show themselves || appear and disappear.
     And now the result of these considerations || observations is: We || we see a complicated net || network of similarities which overlap and cross || overlapping and crossing one another || each other. Similarities in large respects and in || the large and in the small.