How would you explain to somebodyone what a game is? I imagine you would describe games to him, and you might conclude your
your description with,all th[at|is] these and the like we call games”. And do you know anych more yourself? Is it
perhaps only
that you can't
explain to
the other
exactly what a game is? But th[at|is] is_ n[o|']t This, however, is n[o|']t ignoranceˇ, however. You don't know the boundaries because none are drawnch. As I sa[y,|id,] you may , for some purpose or other , draw a boundary.
But is this necessary to in order to make it into a useful concept?
Do you thereby make it possible for the first time to use the concept?
Not in the least
Not at all
By no means
, unless it be ˇyou mean, useful for th[at|is] particular purpose. Just as little as the unit of length “1 pace” was ˇnot
ˇgiven a proper use for
the first time
when someone
by the person who
gave the definition, : “1 pace = 75 cm”. And if you say, : “but before that surely it wasn't an exact unit of length”, , then I answer: all right, then it was an [u|i]nexact one. Although you haven't yet given me
definition of exactness.