I will try to elucidate this by an analogous case: We are inclined to be puzzled by the three-dimensional appearance of the drawing in a way expressed by the question, “What does seeing it three-dimensionally consist in?” And this question really asks, “What is it that is added to simply seeing◇◇◇ the drawing when we see it three dimensionally?” And yet what answer can we expect to this question? It is the form of this question which produces the puzzlement. As [h|H]ertz says: “Aber offenbar irrt die Frage in Bezug auf die Antwort, welche sie erwartet” (p.9, Einleitung, Die Brinzipien der Mechanik). The question itself keeps the mind pressing against a blank wall, thereby preventing it from ever finding the outlet. To show a man how to get out you have first of all to free him from the misleading influence of the question.